Promote Control is an easy to use device that adapts to your preferences and lets you move easily from basic operations to advanced functionality as needed.
Use the following workflow to get started:
1.Turn your camera on.
2.If your Promote Control is on, turn it off by pressing and holding "Power" button.
3.If your camera setup menu has an option for choosing different USB connection protocols (mostly called "USB"), set it to "PTP", "Print/PTP" or "PTP/MTP" (depending on your camera model). These options are most commonly found on legacy Nikon cameras (D70 through D3), but may be present on other cameras. Cameras without these options may be already set up by the manufacturer. If your camera does not have this option, skip this step.
4.Use the supplied black USB cable to connect the Promote Control to your camera. Connect the rounded USB cable plug marked "P" to the Promote Control. Connect the other rectangular plug marked "C" to your Camera.
5.If you purchased an optional shutter cable, it's time to connect it. When Promote Control is set up to use shutter cable, it needs to be connected every time you use your Promote Control. Connect the 3.5mm headphone stereo plug to the Promote Control shutter cable port located next to its USB port (see Interfaces). Connect the camera plug to the camera shutter release port. You may want to consult your camera user manual on where the shutter release port is located.
6.If you plan on using Bulb Ramping or Bulb HDR feature, an optional Bulb Ramp Assist cable also needs to be connected. Connect the thin 2.5mm plug to Promote Control remote sensor port (see Interfaces). Connect the other plug to your camera flash sync port (normally used for synchronizing external flash units). If you camera has no flash sync port, use hot shoe adapter supplied with the Bulb Ramp Assist kit to connect the cable via your camera flash hot shoe.
IMPORTANT NOTE 1: If you use Bulb Ramping or Bulb HDR mode, set your camera flash synchronization mode to default setting. Any other setting, such as "rear curtain" sync, will interfere with the Bulb Ramping and Bulb HDR mode.
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: When using any mode other than Bulb Ramping or Bulb HDR, please make sure to disconnect the Bulb Ramp Assist Cable. Leaving this cable connected in other modes may lead to improper sequence timing, taking extra images, or result in skipped frames.
7.Press the Promote Control "Power" button briefly to turn the unit on.
8.Press the "Power" button again briefly to toggle the display backlight on and off, as required.
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